14 Eylül 2010 Salı

What is Anaemia?

What is Anaemia?

Anaemia means that either your red blood cells or the amount of haemoglobin (oxygen-carrying protein) in your red blood cells is low. Haemoglobin is a protein that carries oxygen in your red blood cells.

Iron-deficiency anaemia is the most common form of anaemia. In the United States, 20 percent of all women of childbearing age have iron-deficiency anaemia (compared to 2 percent of adult men). The primary cause is blood lost during menstruation. But eating too few iron-rich foods or not absorbing enough iron can make the problem worse. Pregnancy, breast-feeding a baby, and blood loss from the gastrointestinal tract (either due to ulcers or cancer) can also deplete iron stores. Anyone, older or younger, who has a poor diet is at risk for iron-deficiency anaemia.
Folic-acid-deficiency anaemia is another type of anaemia. It occurs when folic-acid levels are low. Not enough folic acid in the diet and/or poor absorption leads to this type. The need for this vitamin more than doubles during pregnancy. Folic acid may prevent certain birth defects such as spina bifida if taken before conception and in the early months of pregnancy.
Other less-common forms of anaemia include pernicious anaemia (inability of the body to properly absorb vitamin B-12), sickle-cell anaemia (an inherited disorder) and thalassemia anaemia (also inherited).
Alcohol, certain drugs and some chronic diseases can also cause anaemia.

Symptoms of anaemia are tiredness, weakness, and paleness. Paleness could be pale skin. It could also be paleness around the gums, nailbeds or the linings of the lower eyelids.
Source: - American Institute for Preventive Medicine
You may also experience: - 
  • blood in your stools or urine or have black, tar like stools with these problems:
  • Light-headedness
  • Weakness
  • Shortness of breath
  • Severe abdominal pain
  • dizzy when you stand up or when you exert yourself
  • ringing in your ears
For women:
  • Do you have menstrual bleeding between periods?
  • Has menstrual bleeding been heavy for several months?
  • Do you normally bleed seven days or more every month?
  • Do you suspect that you are pregnant?

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