14 Eylül 2010 Salı

Breast Cancer



A lump or thickening in the breast or armpit, any flattening or indentation of the breast skin, any puckering, pitting or dimpling of the breast skin, any change in the position, size or colour of the breast, clear or bloody nipple discharge, a retracted nipple, redness of the breast skin are all symptoms.

Conventional Treatment

For localized tumors, mastectomy (removal of the whole breast) may be appropriate, but breast-conserving surgery (removal of the tumor and some surrounding tissue, sometimes called lumpectomy) followed by local radiation is often preferable. Although recurrences are more common with breast-conserving surgery, these can be treated by mastectomy, and the survival rates are equivalent to those when mastectomy is used initially. Either procedure may be followed by additional chemotherapy or hormone-blocking therapy. If tumor cells have high levels of receptors for the hormones estrogen and progesterone, it is a good sign because hormone-blocking therapy may stop their growth.
Under study: High-dose chemotherapy followed by reconstitution of damaged bone marrow; chemotherapy before surgery; immunotherapy, including immunotoxins (molecules that combine a toxic agent with an antibody that binds to tumor cells); new chemotherapies and drug combinations. Tamoxifen, a drug that suppresses the effects of estrogen, may help prevent breast cancer in some women at high risk.

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